9 Blog post ideas for Service Based Businesses

by | Aug 23, 2020 | SEO, Webdesign, WordPress

Leisa Clark Retrohex

Leisa Clark

Digital Designer

9 Blog post ideas for Service Based Businesses

Blogging is such an important activity for your business. Why you may ask?

Well, Search Engines like Google love fresh, valuable content. So if you are writing regular valuable content for your audience you are going to increase your chance of getting found on Google.

Blogging, in my opinion, is one of the most important Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) activities you can do. What is SEO and SEO activities? Check out this Blog post.

Blogging can be very time consuming and if you have no idea what to write about, a very frustrating process.

So here are 9 Blog post ideas for Service Based Businesses to help you get started in your blogging adventures.

1. Explainer Blogs

This type of blog helps your customer understand your industry or products within your industry. For example if you offer remedial massage, you could explain all the different types of massages and how they could benefit the customer.

2. “How to” Blogs

“How to” blogs are really great for sharing helpful steps on how to do a particular task. Let me give you an example. Say you are a Plumber and you know that your customers often ask you how to change a washer. You could write a blog post with step by step instructions with images and video showing them exactly how to do this.

3. Your favourite Tools

People are often searching online for tools, software, resources that will make their life easier. By sharing the tools you use to make your life, job and business easier is very valuable to others.

This might seem like you are giving away all of your secrets but in fact it is building trust with your audience so when they are ready and can afford you, they are more likely to use your service.

An example could be if you are an Accountant, you could share the software tools you use to make bookkeeping easier. You could also then link to other blogs posts you have done showing them how to use those tools.

4. Customer Stories/Case Study

Now testimonies are fantastic, but customer stories go into a lot more detail. Talking about how your customer was struggling prior to using your service. What they have learnt or how they have grown due to using your service.

Really go into the details of their journey through life and how they are now much better off due to your amazing service. For example if you offer Yoga classes, you could share a story about a client who really struggled with doing simple daily tasks due to pain.

However now due to performing yoga on a daily basis, has improved their mobility and has a new lease on life. Use images, videos and make sure you ask permission to use their story before sharing it.

5. Collaborative Blogs

Collaboration is one of the best ways to reach new clients so why not collaborate on blog content. Find complimenting services and create blog content that addresses real pain points for your customers.

This is a great way to reach a much larger audience, especially if the collaborator also shares the content across their networks.

6. Checklists

This is a simple blog post you could do to help your customers become more productive in their life.

For example if you are a business lawyer you could create a legal essential checklist for businesses who are starting up.

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7. Invite a Guest Expert

Yes, you are an expert but you could interview someone who has notoriety or are particularly good at one particular area of your industry.

This is a great way to reach a much larger audience, especially if the guest also shares the content across their networks.

8. Definitions and Myths in your industry

This type of post will help your visitors understand more about the industry. You could talk about myths that need to be dispelled.

You could define certain topics that might be confusing for people new to the industry.

9. Answer Frequently Asked questions

This is by far my favorite blog post topic. To get these ideas all you need to do is listen to what your customers are asking.

Whenever your customer asks a question, no matter how small it may seem to you, write it down and then answer it in a blog post.

Some Definitions & Extra advice


Search Engine Optimisation. What is it? It basically means doing certain activities that help increase the rank of your website in search engines such as Google Search. Blogging is one of those SEO activities. 

Check out these 7 free activies you can do to increase your rank in google


You can write amazing blog posts but if no one knows about them, no one is going to read them. Make sure you share your blog post across your social platforms, email newsletter, and Google My Business.

If you need help with marketing you can join our free Facebook group EAT Digital for weekly tips and support.

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